Saturday, May 5, 2007

Ehren's WALKING!

Well, 1)we're expecting...IN SEPTEMBER! And 2)Ehren started walking!

More to come...

Friday, February 23, 2007

Just rollin' along...

We're staying busy. I'm actually babysitting the triplets right now, they're fast asleep, though. I've been browsing the web for titanium engagement rings, since that's what Kim wants. If we can just get her divorced (that always sounds so funny!), we can finally get hitched (I say finally like we've been dating for more than 9 months or so, hahahahahahaha...feels like forever with all the things she's/we've gone through, ALREADY!)

Anyway, just wanted to update everybody. I send out pictures so often, I guess I don't need to post one on here...

Have a good night...or day tomorrow!


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wide awake @ 3 a.m., LOL!

This sucks...well, sort of--the house is clean, everyone else is sleeping soundly; but I'm still wide-a-flippin'-awake! I've had some congestion in my chest, coughing, etc., so I took an INFANT'S dose of Prednisone @ 2 p.m. today, and am STILL WIRED! Kim, Ethan, Eve, Emma, and even lil' Ehren are sleeping soundly while I start blogging like the rest of the world! I keep checking to see if school's going to get cancelled tomorrow, 'cause if its not, I might as well stay up; Ethan has to catch the bus in a few hours, hahahaha...

Anyway, I guess I'll use this to keep people updated now. Sleep tight everyone, lol!